If you have ever had a kitten you know that they love sleeping right next to a ticking clock because it may feel like their mother's heartbeat. Well this kitten doesn't need a ticking clock because she's got a clucking chicken for a mother.
Big Wig the hen took Tofu the kitten right under her wing, no questions clucked. The two have been inseparable since their first meeting.
On a particular day when the two animals were in the front yard, Tofu wandered off leaving Big Wig confused and upset for days not knowing what to cock-a-doodle do. The distraught chicken stayed in her basket for days refusing to eat or move.
Then, just like an answered prayer, a neighbor who saw a sign for the missing kitten brought her back to her home, originally thinking the cat was just feral.
Once again, hen and kitten are back to being basket buddies at home.
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