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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cat Cancer

By Moses Wright

Cancer is a significant concern for many cat owners. Cat cancer can significantly shorten the life of a cat. Since not all tumors are cancerous, a cat owner should not panic at the sight of a tumor. However, the cat owner should have a cat with a tumor or any signs of cancer examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Cancer is responsible for approximately fifty percent of pet deaths. Similar to cancer in humans, causes of cat cancer are not well understood.

Many of the signs and symptoms of cat cancer can be caused by other diseases. It is important for cat owners to have the cat properly diagnosed by a veterinarian at the onset of symptoms. Often, the faster that the cat is diagnosed with cancer and treatment is started, the better the cat's prognosis is.

Signs of cat cancer include weight loss and persistent and abnormal swelling such as a tumor. Cats with cancer may have a loss of appetite, a wound with discharge, stiffness or lameness, and difficulty swallowing, breathing, urinating, or defecating.

There are several different types of cat cancer. Skin cancer can be caused by frequent or severe sunburns especially for white cats. Bone cancer, lymphoma, and mammary cancer are examples of other types of cat cancer.

Some cats have developed cancer in the area where they have received vaccinations. Vaccine-associated sarcoma (VAS) is a relatively new health concern. If the cat owner notices any lump at the site where the cat has received vaccination injections, the cat owner should take the cat to be examined by the veterinarian to determine if this is normal swelling or vaccine-associated sarcoma.

One type of cancer that is more common in cats than dogs is lymphoma. Lymphoma is a type of cancer that most commonly affects the lymph nodes. Cats with feline leukemia virus (FeLV) have an elevated risk of lymphoma.

Cat cancer is diagnosed with physical exams, biopsies, ultrasound, blood tests, and x-rays. The type of cancer and the severity determine the best treatment for the cat.

Methods of treatment for cat cancer include chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Pain management is also part of cat cancer treatment. The risks of some types of cat cancer can be reduced with preventative measures. Excessive sun exposure and sunburns increase the risk of skin cancer especially for white cats. If a cat is spayed while it is young, the cat's risk of mammary cancer is significantly decreased.

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