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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cat Behavior Problems - How To Train Your Cat

By Melissa Fielden

In today's society, more and more animal lovers and enthusiasts take on the role of being a responsible cat owner and thereby are bound to encounter a number of cat behavior problems along the way. This can perhaps be attributed to the fact that while cats are known to be one of the cuddliest, friendliest, most witty and affectionate domesticated pets out there, cats are also very temperamental, sneaky and stubborn in their inherent ways and behavior.

The occurrence of these cat behavior problems may be rooted to the personality of your pet. Contrary to the beliefs of many, each cat is different from the other. This means that there is no single way in dealing with these problems. Each case may have a different solution and the cure for one problem may solve or worsen another. Experts have found that cat behavior problems are most likely triggered by some things or events that your cat does not like. The following are some of the most common cat behavior problems and some tips to deal with them.

One of the most common cat behavior problems is the cat's being either overly aggressive or overly shy to the point that the cat refuses to do anything with anyone. In the case of excessive energy or aggression, such unwanted cat behavior problems can be fixed by means of training your cat to channel its aggression on to other harmless things.

Going out and purchasing a scratch pad or ball of yarn might be a good idea in that your cat will be able to release his or her energy in the process of playing rather than damaging your belongings or possessions. On the other hand, behavioral problems in your cat that involve your cat being overly shy may be fixed by training your cat to overcome his or her inhibitions.

Shyness- A cat may feel shyness or awkwardness when in the presence of strangers or even your friends that it does not know. This is because the cat does not feel comfortable on things that it isn't familiar with. With proper training and familiarization, you can help your cat get over his or her inhibitions.

Cat behavior problems such as shyness can be cured by gradually increasing the size of its social environment. By getting it involved in activities with other people it will soon develop tolerance and familiarity. Litter Training The most challenging cat behavior problems you can come across is litter training. It is very irritating to have your cat unload just about anywhere in the house. This should be corrected as soon as possible because the longer you wait to take action; the harder it will be in breaking its bad habit.

However, like all cat behavior problems this one is also treatable. Just situate a comfy litter area and lead your cat into it whenever it litters. You can also use the trusty reward system and give it a treat whenever it uses the litter box. This method will help your cat develop better potty habits.

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