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Monday, August 17, 2009

Can Animals Communicate?

By Soo Winter

I was introduced to animals as a small child and always felt more relaxed and sure of myself whilst in their company. Often I wondered as I chatted away to them, how much they understood. Could they talk? Was animal communication real?

At the age of ten something happened that woke a deep desire in me. I saw the original Dr. Doolittle film and became convinced that animal communication was real. Here was a man talking to the animals! He understood them, loved them and helped them. That was who I was going to be!

I made up my mind there and then that this is what I was going to do when I grew up. I imagined a wonderful life talking to the animals, sharing their problems and making their lives better. It was going to be fantastic!

To my utter dismay my dad squashed my hopes before the dream had even started. He told me animal communication wasn't real. The film was purely make believe, you can't really talk to the animals. I cried myself to sleep.

I grew up a little sadder and more disillusioned. I was never aware of talking to the animals but I knew they were far more intelligent than most people gave them credit for. I became aware of their feelings and emotions and secretly hoped that maybe Heaven was a place where we could all communicate with the animals. Maybe the magic existed there.

I sat there one night stroking him, talking gently, wondering what to do, when I was suddenly flooded with images; pictures of where Sullivan was born, the state of his mother and how severe his illness was. I then heard the words, 'I've come to help you.'

I was communicating with my dog! Sullivan confirmed it by sending me the words, 'I've come to help you.' And help me he did. He taught me my first lessons in animal communication, pushing through all my adult doubts and resurrecting the child who 'believed.'

As the weeks passed it became obvious that Sullivan had come to help me learn animal communication. He had somehow got through my doubts and spoke to me. Bless him! Having realised my dream was within my grasp, I took my animal communication studies seriously. I now speak dog, cat, horse, rabbit and fish and I don't need the stethoscope!

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