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Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Perfect Pet Urn For Your Pets Ashes

By Pete Stone

Pet urns can be the best way to remember and honor the loss of your pet. You can often find them at a veterinarians office, a pet funeral home some specialized pet stores and online. With such a large selection available of pet cremation urns it can be difficult picking the perfect one to remember and honor your pet. With all the materials, styles and colors available it can be difficult making the perfect choice.

The loss of a pet can be traumatic to say the least and making a decision for burial, cremation or having a funeral can be stressful but having a pet memorial or pet urn to house keepsakes, photos or tags can often help with the loss. Pet urns com in many different shapes and styles and are often used for either burial or display in the house or garden. The more popular materials usually involve ceramic, metal, stone or wood or a combination of the materials. Ones made of metal will are often from bronze, brass or copper. Wood urns are often made from hardwood but can be made from pine. Ceramics are usually molded into vases or sometimes figurines.

The material of you pet urn will also determine where you may place it. You should decide in advance where you intend on placing or displaying your urn. If you place it in the elements or outside consider metal or stone if it is to be displayed indoors consider one made of wood or ceramics. Placing a metal urn outdoors will likely make it tarnish much faster regardless of the metal and will show signs within weeks. You could also consider cleaning it on a regular schedule with the appropriate cleaner. Consider trying to seal the surface with an acrylic floor wax. You can do this by wiping very slowly a sponge that has the wax poured on it this way you can avoid sightly air bubbles that may appear on the surface. The wax will not last forever but usually holds up for several months.

A popular pet urn is a photo urn. They can be mad of many different materials and often have a place holder for a pets photo or an area to laser engrave and image or your pet with a few kind words. This may be done with laser engraving or with an engraving tool such as a grinder. Most materials that work great for this process are likely wood or stone.

If you are looking for a burial urn than material will not matter much unless you want some degree or preservation. Often people will plant a small tree or shrub over the it or place a memorial stone over it. Some people will even place yard ornaments or some other ornament over it as a marker.

When you loose a pet it can often be overwhelming searching for the perfect urn or memorial urn. When buying a pet urn online you can often save a lot of money and find the perfect choice.

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