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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cat Care: What is Feline Acne and How to Treat It

By Moses Wright

Feline acne is usually a mild skin condition that is fairly common. The faces of cats are most commonly affected. The acne that affects cats is similar to acne in humans.

This condition often appears as blackheads on the cat's chin. The chin may appear dirty instead of the presence of blackheads being clearly noticeable.

Severe cases of feline acne can cause open sores, skin irritation, hair loss, swelling, and infection though most cases of feline acne are minor. If the cat is scratching the area, the risk of these complications increases.

Poor grooming, stress, allergic reactions, and food or dirt cause in skin creases are common causes of feline acne. Overactive oil glands of the cat's skin can cause this condition.

Mange, ringworm, yeast infections of the skin, and bacterial infections can be mistaken for cat acne. The skin pigmentation changes that light-colored cats can undergo can cause black dots on the chin that resembles this condition.

The skin condition should be examined and properly diagnosed by a veterinarian. A skin scraping, skin biopsy, or other tests may be done to determine the appropriate diagnosis.

The veterinarian may recommend mild soap, special shampoo, Epsom salts, or other treatment for the cat acne. The veterinarian may prescribe a topical ointment or antibiotics. If the cat acne does not respond to these treatments, the veterinarian may administer a corticosteroid injection.

The cat owner may be able to help prevent feline acne. The cat owner may need to pay more attention to keeping the cat's face clean. If the cat is getting feline acne on its chin, the cat owner might help this condition by cleaning the cat's chin after the cat eats.

In some cases, the feline acne is caused by an allergic reaction to food bowls. Switching from plastic food and water dishes to stainless steel, glass, or ceramic can help prevent allergic reactions to plastics.

The cat owner should not squeeze the blackheads since this can create sores that are prone to infection. The skin condition should be checked by the veterinarian again if the condition does not clear up with the recommended treatment. A different treatment may be prescribed.

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