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Sunday, December 6, 2009

How Long Are Cats Pregnant

By Christine Pinkston

You may be thinking about breeding your cat or maybe you are simply wondering if your cat may have accidentally become pregnant, either way you will discover that there are many things you need to know.

While the age of your cat plays a role in their ability to get pregnant, with older cats being able to get pregnant easier, you will find the the length of your cats pregnancy is fairly standardized.

For the most part, you will find that a cat's pregnancy length will last about 57 to 70 days. Many cats end up averaging around 64 days or so, giving them a pregnancy length of around nine weeks.

There are many signs to keep a look out for when you are trying to figure out if your cat is pregnant. The first and most likely sign you will notice is the absence of your cat going into heat. An unspayed female cat will generally have a cycle she will follow for going into heat and it will be from between ten to fourteen days.

If she suddenly stops giving the signs of having gone into heat, there is a good chance that she might be pregnant. The first physical sign that you are likely to see is that her nipples will have a swollen, slightly tender look and they might turn pinker in color.

You will notice that your cat will start to get hungrier as her body begins to need more resources to nourish her unborn kittens. Along those lines, you cat may start to vomit, however if this happens more then 3 or 4 times you might want to take her to the vet to get her checked out.

In the fifth week of pregnancy, around 35 days, your cats stomach will begin to get swollen from her kittens growing larger. From here, her stomach will continually get bigger until she has her litter.

It is important for you to take some time to get familiar with the process of your cats pregnancy as this will be important for you and the health of your cat.

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