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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Special Characteristics Of Chinchilla Persian Cats

By Cynthia Turner

When you see a cat which is majestic and extraordinary looking you should know that you are looking at a full-blooded Persian cat. These cats have well-built bodies and brawny legs with a face which looks punched. They thrive on attention from you if you are a cat lover and also from people who do not like cats.

The breed of Persian cats is divided into further families where a some of their characteristics tend to differ. Mainly the difference is in the color of their coats and a closer observation reveals further details in which they tend to differ. The Chinchilla breed in particular has some very strikingly different characteristics that make it special.

The Persian cats were starting to be exported to USA in'08 when the Chinchilla Cats Club was founded. If you have to know and value whether a cat is a Pedigree Chinchilla cat or not and distinguish it from others, you have to examine its coat as that is the only means by which you will be able to make out the difference. The color of the body hair has distinctions which would show the difference. A pure breed black coated Chinchilla will have only1/7 of its body hair as black.

The Chinchilla cats look as if they have a shining silver coat because they have an under coat which is pure white with black tips on the hair of the head, back, tail and flank. These cats also have white hair on their chin, chest, stomach and ear tuffs but the legs are occasionally dotted with black tips.

A most attractive feature that you will see in these cats are their black rimmed eyes which tend to give an expression of wearing eye makeup on them. You will also find that their nose and lips are outlined in black.

The coats of Silver Shaded cats have different color hair tips which give them a shadowy effect. You will see several attractive colors from blue to lilac to chocolate. When you consider both Silver Shaded and Chinchilla the former has more 'shadowy' coat. The coats have a fantastic mixture of colors giving it more shades than you can imagine.

Also there is the Golden Shaded where the underlying coat is multi colored which again is magnificent and a pleasure to see because of the wonderful effect it gives to the coat of the cat. Furthermore there is a variety known as the Cameo Persian which has some red in the tips of the coat.

All these cats are known for their gorgeous dark rimmed eyes, nose and mouth, except for the Golden shaded whose eyes and nose is outlined in brown in place of black. The eye color of these cats is primarily supposed to be green or blue-green. This established characteristic in all Chinchilla, Golden Shaded, Silver Shaded and Cameo Persian cats helps to differentiate the pedigree because a pure-bred cats eye color will be either green or blue-green.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi! I have a absolouteley GORGEOUS kitty that is a chinchilla Persian , and her name is sapphire!!! She's one year old now, and your web has helped me a lot to raise her! :)

    P.s.: I'm only 10
