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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dog Kennel or Cat Carrier - How To Fly With Pets

By Dennis Marshall

These days more and more people take their pets with them on vacations and business trips that it's almost hard to remember that not too long ago the only way pets were allowed on airplanes were if they were either a seeing eye dog or locked in a small cage beneath the plane with the luggage. Over time it's been discovered that the luggage compartment can sometimes be a health hazard to any caged animal as temperatures run the risk of fluctuating from extreme cold to extreme heat if not properly insulated. This has lead almost all the airlines to drastically alter both the way they build their planes to the way they train their employees. Now most airlines train their flight attendants as well as baggage handlers in how to treat both a well-behaved and ill-behaved pet whether their traveling in a kennel below or a small dog carrier in the cabin. We're also starting to see airlines coming out with new ways of insulating storage containers to stop the fluctuation in mid-flight temperatures which will help keep your pet calm and happy for the duration of the flight.

If your pet is a small animal than you've got it pretty easy as far as travel preparation is concerned. The large majority of airlines these days will allow you to bring your small dog or cat with you onto the plane as long as both the animal and pet carrier weigh no more than 40 pounds and can fit underneath the seat in front of you (please don't even think of trying to put them in an overhead bin!). Due to allergies and passenger discomfort though there usually is a limit to the number of pets allowed on any given flight to if you're planning on taking your pet with you just make sure to notify them of your travel buddy as soon as possible.

Every airline tends to have different policies towards people traveling with their pets which include both pets traveling in pet carriers as well as larger dogs who have to travel in kennels beneath the plane. To be on the safe side, always contact your airline ahead of time to learn what their policies and conditions are so that you won't run the risk of endangering your pet. Airline personnel can also help you find the best flight time available to keep any changes in temperature to a minimal. For instance flights in the early morning or late evening are the best during the summer seasons.

Regardless of how your pet will travel, there are precautions owners need to take to be sure traveling is safe and healthy for the animal. AAHA suggests, and major airlines require, that traveling pets be examined by a veterinarian no more than 10 days before to the date of departure. You will also be required to provide the necessary rabies vaccination certifications when you check in to the airport prior to boarding. Because their feeding schedule might be affected ask your veterinarian for tips on how to keep your pet fed and happy. The age and size of the pet, time and distance of the flight and regular dietary routine all will play a part in your pet's well-being. There is also a Federal Regulations that states that dogs and cats must be at least eight weeks old and weaned at least five days before flying. If you're meeting your pet at the airport on a different flight, you will need to be there when it lands. No late-pickups!

As for what type of carrying case or crate you should secure them in for traveling on a plane that all will be determined by the size and breed of your pet. You can't go wrong with any of the sturdy pet carrier most commonly found at any pet store but just make sure that they have all-hard sides and at least two ventilation ducts on opposite sides of each other. If you have a small pet then you should look into getting a soft leather dog carrier to keep your four-legged friend happy and content for the duration of the flight. Whether it's a dog kennel or pet carrier, it's important that you make sure it has a water resistant floor as well as soft objects all over the place to help pad any turbulence. All kennels should have the proper large signs attached to them that read "Live Animal" complete with a copy of your travel itinerary, contact info and way to reach you while on your trip.

Just always keep in mind that you know your pet better than anyone so it will be up to you as to whether or not your pet is right for air-travel. Some dogs that are perfectly healthy in any other situation end up becoming traumatized due to the environmental changes that takes place during flight from the varying degree switches in temperature to the changes in cabin pressure.

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