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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Flea Bomb

I used to volunteer at our local humane society.  I thought it was good for my daughter who was 8.  She got to wash the puppies while I got stuck cleaning out the cat litter boxes.  After a couple weeks we got attached to the animals we were taking care of and it was sad to know which ones were going to be put down. They could only keep them for 30 days. I made arrangements with the manager to let me take a few cats home and if I couldn't find them a home I could bring them back.  Once they were put back into the system they got to start from day one of their 30 days.

It was going well until I noticed at home we were starting to get a lot of fleas.  I knew at the humane society we flea dipped all the cats, so it was a surprise that I had fleas.  Come to find out the cats were getting in crawl space from the basement.   After a week or so you couldn't even walk across the carpet without getting flea bites. So it was time to flea bomb the house.  I got two flea bombs to do the job and packed up the animals and left for the time recommended on the package.

We took the animals we had back to the humane society and went home to see how well the flea bombs worked.  At first everything seemed ok and without animals in the house I thought we had it under control. But you have to remember it's just not the carpet they live and multiply's everything.   We tried another flea bomb and took all the bedding to the cleaners, but due to the fact that there was an opening from the crawl space to the basement the fleas were still coming in and we had to eventually move.

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