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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sushi Bars For Pets: Where Dogs And Cats Eat "Rawrrr"

Omakase platter by S.A.D. Dog Sushi 

Omakase platter by S.A.D. Dog Sushi - Even veterinarians are recommending raw food diets for pets these days, but other marketing of raw food diets has lagged behind consumer interest, perhaps because the large pet food manufacturers with big marketing budgets have not jumped into the trend... yet.  But at least two small companies with raw food pet diets have found a delicious way to present their raw pet foods: sushi bars.
S.A.D. Dog Sushi in Austin has been in the business of shipping sushi ("Fine Dining Done Rawrrr" ) since 2002.  Started by an experienced sushi chef and his sous chef partner, the Species Appropriate Diet (S.A.D.) is a holistic diet for dogs, all raw, all natural and without grains or preservatives.

The "Pooper Scooper" Pork Roll by S.A.D. Dog Sushi 
The "Pooper Scooper" Pork Roll by S.A.D. Dog Sushi

The beauty of S.A.D. Dog Sushi is not just visual; try-by-sushi enables you and your dog to find the combination of foods that optimize his health and his taste preferences.  Each sushi dish presents a different combination of raw meat or fish, bones, and innards for your dog's nutritional needs be they in the form of rolls, nigiri, or sashimi. Then you can buy what your dog likes from S.A.D. Dog Sushi in bulk.
Pussy & Pooch, the Los Angeles pet spa, shop, and sushi bar, recently opened its second location in Long Beach, CA. (Like Japanese pet owners, there's nothing that Losangelians and their burbians won't do to pamper their pets.)

P&P's "Pawbar" is a literal sushi bar, where Pussy & Pooch offers free samples of its pet foods to visiting dogs and cats, while their owners are told about what each meal contains, including where the raw food comes from, how it is shipped, how it should be served and, of course, why it is important to the health of your pet.  The site has many photos of pet visitors enjoying their sushi.

P&P's Pawbar is an excellent marketing tool to educate pet owners about how a natural, holistic meal plan can best meet the nutritional needs of your dogs and cats. I wish that every natural food pet store provided this approach to their sales.
But for those of you who don't get the special introduction to raw foods for pets, if you are going to try a raw food diet, introduce the food very gradually to your pet's current diet -- adding one spoon of the new food to the old food every other day, until it has completely replaced the old diet.  Of course, you must watch for clues that your pet is not digesting or eliminating the food normally, and scale back the portions accordingly.

That's the buzz for today!

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