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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Best Way To Care For A Cat During Summer

By Jackie Michaels

During hot summer months it is important to take extra care of your cat. Be careful to protect your cat from dehydration. Since your cat is unable to communicate with you, you will have to keep a sharp eye on your pet. Watch for any changes in behavior that may be related to heat. If you aren't home enough to keep an eye on your cat, make arrangements for cool living conditions so that your cat doesn't dehydrate and overheat.

As the temperature outside rises, consider keeping your cat inside the house. Once a cat has become a pet, it doesn't have the same coping skills as a stray cat. It's up to you to provide a place for your cat to cool itself. A pet cat that has found a cool shade outdoors may not come home until after dark. Cement retains heat far too much and can cause injury to your cat's sensitive paws or cause your cat to overheat.

If your cat travels in your car with you, never leave your cat in a parked car in the heat. The temperature in a closed car rises extremely rapidly in the heat. It can be harmful or even deadly to your cat.

Even when you try to park in the shade to prevent your car from heating up, as the sun moves throughout the day. The heat travels from hot areas to cold areas. Dogs can sometimes alert passers-by that they are in discomfort, but a cat is unable to do that and may die in as little as fifteen minutes. Always get your cat out of the car with you when you park.

Keeping your cat's fur needs to be kept short and well groomed to help it stay cool. Frequent combing will allow you to remove shed fur that may still be on your cat. Cat's which have natural long fur often give you no option but providing a cool environment. This includes cats like the Persian and Siberian.

Keep clean cool water available for your cat at all times and in all seasons. Your objective is to prevent your cat from dehydrating and getting too hot. Help your cat maintain its body temperature to be comfortable and safe during hot weather.

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