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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Buy A Pet Gate For Your Home

By Matthew Penrod

Do you have areas you need to keep your pet away from? Maybe you can't watch him but want to make sure he stays out of trouble? A pet gate could be for you. This article will help you understand more about dog barriers, their uses, and what to watch for.

Barriers for animals in your house can be very handy. They can be used to separate your dog or cat and children when the pet is eating or you can't supervise your small child's interaction with him. If you have a small puppy, a pet gate is a great way to keep them confined while house training. This way they do not have to stay in a small crate. Finally, if you need to keep your dog or cat restricted, a barrier is a great alternative to closing them in a room, which can cause separation anxiety.

One type of pet barrier is a hardware -mounted gate. These are mounted to the wall or door frame with screws. They are extremely strong and very secure. These gates cannot be tipped over and are made from either wood or stainless steel. Some of them are even meant to swing open when you need to pass through.

Another type of dog barrier requires no tools and is portable. These are called pressure-mounted gates. They secure themselves by the pressure they exert on the wall or door. Most of them are made from a combination of wood and wire. These should never be used to guard a set of stairs as they can be flipped over fairly easily.

Barriers for stairways in your house or on your deck are also available. Make sure these are always hardware-mounted, as a pressure-mounted gate can fall over. There should never be a fixed bar at the bottom of the device. It can be a tripping hazard and very dangerous around stairs. Finally, you should make sure there is a mechanism to keep the door from swinging out and over the stairway.

Pet barriers are also available for your car. They are very useful in keeping your pet in one section of the car and away from your lap and feet. It also cuts down on the distraction of your dog or cat running around the back of the vehicle. Your passengers will also notice an absence of pet hair in the front seat as well! These gates are secure, require no tools to install, and fit most vehicles.

Be aware of a few things before you purchase your pet gate. Stronger and taller breeds will require a hardware-focused fence to be safe and effective. If you have a dog that likes to chew on everything, be sure to find a stainless steel model. Swinging units can be found for those who find stepping over a gate annoying or physically difficult.

In closing, a pet gate has many uses and come in many styles. Protect your home, children, cars, and dogs from damage. If you have decided you want a barrier in your house, they can be purchased at pet stores and online for varying prices.

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