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Thursday, May 28, 2009

There Is Nothing Wrong With Celebrating Your Pet's Birthday

By Tammy Pilfinger

Do you know any crazy fanatical pet lovers? Pets are people too. At least that's what you'll hear from crazy pet lovers like me. People like me are the ones that dress their little furry friend up in outfits. We also let them eat off of dinner plates just like any other person would in our homes. To people like me, pets are permanent family members. We are just as concerned about their health and well being as we are about our real kids. We fret about them and take great personal enjoyment in their individual quirks.

There are plenty of American couples who have never had any kids of their own. Some adults aren't capable of having children for one reason or another. Others have purposefully chosen to be bachelors or otherwise remain single. Sometimes single people long for the gratification of raising a child. If having a real baby isn't an option, some of these decent people might choose to substitute a pet as if it were their actual kid.

Who can blame these good people for wanting that kind of love in their lives? Dogs and cats are so lovable that it is easy to see how they fill that roll. Many of you probably have friends or relatives who treat their pet like it was one of their own kids. It doesn't make them crazy.

Is it someones birthday? If your cat is going to be just like a regular part of the family, why not have a birthday party for her on her birthday? Why not do what you would do for any other child. You can make her a special birthday cake. Put candles in it and help her blow it out. Sing happy birthday to her just like you would a child. Then when you're done, go ahead and let her tear open her presents. If it is a kitten, you should wrap some kind of catnip filled object in loose paper so she will be able to rip it apart like a kid.

Don't forget to record the special moment so you can post it online. Look at how many other animal lovers have posted mpegs of their cats and dogs online there. There are some really funny ones with cats on there. If you don't believe me take a look for yourself.

So, just because you don't have any human children around home, or even if you do, it doesn't mean you can't celebrate your cat's birthday. Pick up some new toys for your little furry friend and enjoy the day just as you would with a normal kid.

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