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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cat Training Tips

By Janice Chee

Cats in the wild can take care of themselves, that's not the case with household pets. House cats become completely dependent on humans for their care, feeding, and other attention. Responsible cat ownership and the proper care of your cat is important. Check local bookstores or the humane society for educational material to help you learn to care for your cat.

Many people falsely believe that it is impossible to train a cat. You can train a cat with any positive training program that is based on a system of gentle training and rewards. Rewarding good behavior and ignoring bad behavior is a proven way of training your cat.

Even though cats are relatively clean, it's good to bathe your cat about every three weeks. You can use a mild soap which you have at home, or purchase a specialty product made just for cats. Some cats are difficult to bathe. Prevent bath time from becoming difficult by bathing your cat from the time it is a kitten. When bath time is over, reward your cat with a snack.

Try to keep going into the bathroom for a bath calm. If the only time you take your cat in the bathroom is for a bath, it is going to tense up when you pick it up and head for the bathroom. Allow the cat to enter the bathroom with you at other times so that it becomes just another room in the house. Then, when it is bath time, try to keep your cat calm and entertained.

Use a q-tip to gently clean and dry your cat's ears and nails after bathing. Do not use a hair dryer because your cat's skin is much too sensitive and can easily be burned. Not only that, but the noise and strong, hot air will probably cause your cat to freak out and try to run away. Towel dry your cat and finish with a good, gentle brushing.

It's a good idea to buy your cat its own bed. While it is common for cats to sleep with their owner, your cat will be just as satisfied sleeping beside your bed. This will keep your clothes and bed linens from always being full of cat hair. Some people are allergic to cat hair, and you don't want to have to choose between your cat and your sleeping mate.

Keep the litter box where any odor will not disturb your family. No one wants to smell the litter box, so clean it often. The less you clean the litter box the worse it will be when you do clean it.

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