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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Become a Pet Owner Stay Happier and Healthier

By Tukakir Hellaos

When you are at the mall, do you see people who stroll as if there is a spring in their step? At the office, do you encounter individuals who seem to radiate with a good aura that makes you wonder what they are thinking of? Conversely, when you are at the park, do you feel envious of people who have smiles plastered on their faces? Well, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what makes them seem like they are in seventh heaven. Most probably, their happy disposition is due to their pet.

Whether you care to admit it or not, having a pet can be a wonderful addition to one's life. Nowadays, with everyone feeling the pinch of economic crisis, environmental degradation and political turmoil, it is so easy to succumb to depression and hopelessness. Bad news seems to prevail all over the television, the radio, the newspapers and even the internet. However, if you have something worthwhile to occupy your time, like cuddling with your pet, you will have the energy to last you throughout the day. You will also have a very good reason to be excited about right after the office bell rings.

Believe it or not, studies have proven and tested this fact after conducting numerous experiments. There are even a lot of hospitals employing this technique.

Here are the reasons why owning a pet will make you a happier person. Read on.

First of all, pets have this uncanny ability to make their owners feel good about themselves. Most pets are actually smart and responsible which makes them such a wonderful companion. They are also not ashamed to show their affection so their owners enjoy cuddling them. Unlike other people who are not content with what you give them, pets are already happy if you have met their basic needs. Just give them their food, water, dog house, quality time at the park and regular visits to the veterinarian and they will thrive. Pets do not throw temper tantrums regularly and they don't bug you at the office through phone calls or electronic mails. They are content to wait for you until you come home.

Second, owning a pet can greatly improve your self-esteem. Of course, when you are the one in charge of somebody else's basic needs, you have to be at the top of your game. You can't afford to dilly dally when there is a shortage in their food, medications, grooming needs, hygienic materials and so on. This makes you feel like a productive individual. Being productive would raise your self-worth. Other people will definitely notice it in the way you deal with them. Don't be surprised if you hear your boss or co-workers say something nice to you. Your parents and friends will also see the change and might compliment you for it. The inner happiness you feel will simply manifest itself outside and reflect on your disposition.

Third, a pet will gain you new friends. People gravitate towards other people who carry with them their dog, cat, rabbit or pigeon in the park. It will improve your social networking skills. Remember that there are a lot of topics that can be broached when one is in the company of an animal. From their needs to their quirks, you will not be at a loss for something to talk about with a total stranger.

Are you ready to gain the perks of possessing a new pet? Well, wait no more. Head to the nearest humane society and get one now. This time of year there are a lot of kittens in animal shelters. If you are considering a friend for a cat you already have my advice would be to get a cat or kitten that is caged with another. Since they are already used to having another cat around it will take less time for the two of them to become accustom to each other. No pets at home? Kittens love the company of other kittens especially if they are litter mates....take two they are small.

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