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Monday, July 27, 2009

Can't Decide Which Cat is For You?

By Bella Holly

Sometimes we tend to forget that when choosing a cat, we should consider more than just the basic care of feeding, watering, etc. One must consider the grooming requirements, personality types, and lifestyles of different cat breeds to determine which best suits your own. This article will list the top five most popular cat breeds, as well as information regarding physical and personality characteristics.

The Oriental is one of the most popular cat breeds around. This breed is a very intelligent, loyal companion and tends to bond deeply with its family. It has large, pointed ears, and although its body is very sleek, it is still quite a muscular breed.

One of the most popular family cat breeds is the American Short-hair. They are quite muscular, but are versatile in lifestyle. They do not require a great deal of exercise, and can be content as lap cats; however they can also adapt to an active lifestyle if you encourage such. They are known to be an extremely loving breed and can live happily with doting families.

One of the most popular cat breed by looks alone is the Birman. They have characteristic bright blue eyes, a white body, and darker patches on the ears, tail, legs, and face. While they enjoy a good romp, they do not require a great deal of attention from their owner. They will take affection when you're ready to give it, but are happy to lounge quietly.

A Sphynx cat may make an appropriate pet for you if you don't mind spending a bit of extra affection and care on your cat. They love attention, and as they have very little hair (like peach-fuzz), they can easily become cold; so you must remember that if the room is too cold for your bare skin, it is likely too cold for the cat. They're wonderful if you want a cat that will snuggle under the covers with you!

The Ragdoll breed is one of the best breeds of cat to choose for a family with children. This breed is very cautious not to play with claws or teeth, but will also not be able to defend itself very well if left outside. It has a very full, lush coat of fur that requires regular grooming and is among the larger cat breeds out there.

Now that you have a better idea about the most popular, yet very different, breeds out there, hopefully you find choosing a cat to be a little less daunting than before. Be sure to remember that lifestyles are important factors to consider; so if you aren't very active, you probably shouldn't choose a cat that requires a lot of activity, and vice verse.

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