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Friday, July 10, 2009

Does Your Pet Need to be Healthier?

By Skibber Labskovs

When you own a pet you take on the responsibility for their lives. So many factors play into your pet being healthy. You have probably had a sick pet at some time your life, and you know how that can tug at your heart. I have had a sick dog so I know it feels, I could only thinks about getting her well. Does your pet need to be healthier?

The first thing to do to take good care of your pet is to feed them good nutritious food. Make sure this food is specially made for them. Pet food is specially designed to have all the nutritional needs included for your pet's health. Whether you have a dog or a hamster, they need the food that is specially designed for them.

In the event that you are going to give your pet people food to consume, make sure it follows their dietary guidelines. Dogs should absolutely not have anything with caffeine in it. This could bring on a heart attack with the dogs. Nor should they have sugar.

Animals can get overweight if fed too much too. This is why feeding dogs and cats table scraps is frowned on. You can kill fish by overfeeding them. Just like people, pets can be made unhealthy by eating too many calories. Make sure that when your pet consumes water that they have sufficient water daily to be hydrated. If your pet happens to be fish in an aquarium, make sure their water is clean and clear for them. This water needs daily watching for different problems.

Make sure the vet sees your pet once a year when it pertains to the type of pet you have. Dogs and cats require vaccines yearly to ward off specific diseases. The rabies vaccine is probably the most important of all of them. If you live somewhere that your pet could come in contact with other animals especially wild ones, the rabies vaccine is crucial.

Every pet needs exercise even fish. Fish do of course get a lot of exercise swimming constantly like they do. Cats and dogs should be ran, played with, and walked be certain that they receive enough healthy exercise. This helps keeps their bodies strong and their weight at the right point. It also helps your pet's heart be healthy. Walk your cat or dog when you go for a stroll. This is how both of you can get healthier at the same time. Provide a hamster with a wheel to run on for their health, if that is your pet of choice. This way it gets enough exercise for its health.

Our pets need our undivided attention and love to be fully healthy. We should show our pets that they are love through petting them and/or talking to them. Grooming is just another show of affection as far as they are concerned. Cats and dogs either get matted coats or shed their hair too much if not brushed enough.

These tips will assist you in providing your pet with the best of care, so that they can be the healthiest they can be. Now isn't that what we all want for our pets? Get your pet healthier today!

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