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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Poison To Cats - Are You Poisoning Your Cat With His Hairball Remedy?

By Kate Rieger

It probably never occurred to you that you are damaging your cats with the hairball medicine you give them. Certainly not that you were giving poison to cats. In fact, overloading your cats' diet with some hairball products can prevent absorption of a vital vitamin.

Many of us rely on supplemental vitamins to provide a nutritional boost to our human diets. Perhaps you even thought about supplementing your cat's diet with vitamins. After all, didn't you read somewhere that kittens with diets low in vitamin D develop rickets? Or what about older cats with low levels of vitamin D in their diet suffering from brittle bones?

Both of these conditions are possible, but such deficiencies are rare in today's cat diet world. That said, it is possible that you may cause your cat to have a vitamin D deficiency simply by treating him for hairballs. You could be literally giving poison to cats when you treat them with hairball remedies that have a petroleum jelly base or mineral oil.

If your cat 'just loves' his petroleum based hairball remedy and you 'just love' giving it to him, you both may need to back off the program a bit. Excessive use of this type of hair ball remedy can interfere with the absorption of fat soluble vitamins, including vitamin D.

If you indulged your cats with this type of hairball remedy, but now know better, don't be tempted to add vitamin D back into their diet. Just continue to feed a high quality cat food which is full of vitamins cats need. Once your cats are off the petroleum based product, their digestive system will be able to absorb the vitamin D again.

Now let's consider completely removing this 'petroleum based' product from your cats diets. After all, would you ingest something made of petroleum? Here, have a pint of crude to slick up your innards. Its really not a far stretch to consider this as something close to giving poison to cats.

Consider switching over to an herbal hairball treatment. There are herbal compounds that provide a gentle yet effective solution to cat hairballs. Psyllium nigrum is a very high source of dietary fiber while Aloe ferox (a well known medicinal herb) is known for its beneficial effect on digestive functioning. Nux vom is a proven homeopathic remedy often prescribed for indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, violent retching and abdominal cramps.

Its easy to give this herbal remedy and if you have a cat who hates the other products, bets are that he'll never even notice when you add a bit to his canned cat food. Just give 1/2 capsule 2 times daily for 10 days, followed by 1/2 capsule once daily as a maintenance dose for cats who are prone to nasty hairballs.

About the Author:

Amazon Review:
Cat Grass is not only a treat that cats love to eat, it is also good for them and will help deter them away from eating houseplants! My cat often nibbles on houseplants then throws up and I'm always afraid that it will do damage to her digestive system. When there is cat grass around, though, she only eats that - she really chows it down, and it makes her happy, too! Cat grass is also good for cats - it contains vitamins that may or may not be present in cat food, and it aids their digestive system and helps to eliminate fur balls.

Even if you do not have a green thumb, cat grass is so easy to grow, that anyone can do it and it's also a great "project" for kids, too. The seeds sprout very quickly (if you keep them moist) and will grow quickly to 4-6inches in a window sill.

If you have cats, cat grass is a must!

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