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Friday, July 17, 2009

Secrets To Cheaper Pet Food

By Skotten Edelstein

With the current economic crisis everyone is facing today, more and more people are feeling the pinch and tightening their proverbial belts in order to cut cost and save money. Since nobody knows how long this financial turmoil will last, each and every person is doing his share to maximize his purchasing power.

The news of big firms in Wall Street filing for bankruptcy and financial bailout packages doesn't help calm the mind of ordinary consumers. In fact, it adds fuel to the fire because it will result to lower economic growth and higher inflation rate. This is terrible news to those who are already in deep debt. This grim scenario which hovers over the country like a dark cloud is very scary to all concerned.

Even pet owners are not safe from this dilemma. Yes, it may be true that compared to human beings, expenses for pets are not that scandalously high. However, this should not be grounds to stay complacent and fork out cash like tomorrow is the end of the world. It is vital that you should be careful of how you spend your money in order to have extra cash available should things get much worse. Here is a list of ways to save money on pet food. Hopefully, you will gain tons of benefit after reading this article.

Primarily, you can slash your expenses by purchasing pet food in bulk. You may be curious as to how this is possible. Well, if you were to buy a huge sack weighing seven kilos instead of seven small ones, then it means that less money was spent manufacturing the package. The pet food firm has saved quite an amount, if this is the case. Therefore, the savings they have made will then be passed on to the unwavering consumers.

Another quick way to save is to buy pet food in the internet. It is an open secret that the online marketplace is just as good, if not better, than the real world. By logging online, you have a wide selection that will fit your astute needs. Most web sites present a variety of pet food products, from the lowest priced to the most expensive, depending on the quality. Here, you can easily compare a lot of factors. After you have made a decision, you can easily acquire an item and pay for it using your credit card or PayPal account. In a matter of days, your order will be delivered right at the address you have specified.

Check out your veterinarian's supply. If you often buy your food products from him, then he will probably give you a discount or a promotional price. It is also possible that he will slash down his mark up if you are consistently purchasing other pet items from his clinic aside from your pet food.

Scan the newspapers and magazines for food coupons. Advertisers usually use it as bait for potential consumers so they place it in this medium. Others prefer handing out the coupons in malls, streets or bazaars wherein a lot of people converge for a quick orientation.

Lastly, you can minimize if not avoid, treats. They can be quite draining to the pocket if done in a regular manner. If you must give a nice reward, make sure that your pet has done something special or extraordinary to deserve it. This way, he will learn how to behave better.

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