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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Homemade Cat Food Recipe

By Moses Wright

Many cat owners enjoy preparing their cats food at home. Cat owners may make homemade cat food in an attempt to save money. Some cat owners do not trust the nutritional value of manufactured cat food.

Even though some cat owners make homemade cat food in an attempt to save money, not much money is usually saved by doing so. However, making cat food can provide the cat with a diet that more closely resembles their natural diet since manufactured food often has too many carbohydrates and not enough protein.

Raw food diets for cats are popular. The cat owners that make cat food using only raw food often use a meat grinder to grind bones and meat.

Some cat owners who are new to making cat food may want to try a simple homemade cat food recipe that does not require the purchase of a meat grinder or other tools. Easy homemade cat food recipes that only use ingredients that can be found in grocery stores are available on the Internet.

A simple homemade cat recipe includes the cat owners choices of meat, vegetables, and other ingredients. The meat choices for this recipe are one cup cubed, cooked chicken, 6 ounce can of salmon, one can of tuna, one can of sardines in olive oil, or " cup beef, cooked and shredded. Tuna should not be used too often due to concerns about mercury content.

After the meat is selected, choose at least one vegetable. The suggested vegetable choices are chopped, steamed broccoli, cup shredded, steamed carrots, finely chopped celery, or cup cubed, cooked potato. The cat owner may want to try different combinations of vegetables and meat to find the homemade cat food recipe that the cat likes best.

The vegetables and meat are mixed with a little chicken or beef broth. One or two tablespoons of cooked oatmeal or some cooked rice may be added to the meat and vegetable mixture.

A cat owner should not always feed the cat the same homemade cat food. By using different variations of this simple recipe, the cat receives many different vitamins and minerals.

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