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Monday, July 27, 2009

Sources Of Cat Food Coupons

By Moses Wright
There are expenses related to cat ownership such as litter, veterinary costs, and cat food. Using cat food coupons is a way to reduce the cost of cat ownership.

Cat food coupons are available from a variety of sources. A traditional source of cat food coupons is the Sunday edition of the local newspaper. Cat owners may find valuable coupons for cat food and other items.

One source of cat food coupons is through the websites of cat food manufacturers. A cat food manufacturers website may feature many offers for cat food coupons or cat food samples. If the cat owner requests a cat food sample, the sample may arrive with coupons as well.

Signing up for a free membership on the cat food company's website may be required to receive the cat food samples or coupons. The website may have clubs for cat and kitten owners. After signing up for these clubs, the cat owner may periodically receive cat food samples and coupons without having to request them.

Cat food companies often offer samples and coupons for new products. If a cat owner sees a new cat food product advertised, the cat owner should check the cat food company's website for a sample or coupon for that product.

If the website for the cat food manufacturer does not have any offers for coupons or samples, the cat owner may receive coupons by writing a request for them. The cat owners should be sure to include their full names and addresses in the mailed or emailed request for cat food coupons.

The Internet has some websites dedicated to coupons. The website user can select and print coupons for use at the store. If a cat owner has access to a printer, they may want to print cat food coupons and other coupons.

Cat owners should avoid using coupons and purchasing products that they would not normally buy unless the only reason for not buying it before was the cost without a coupon. Buying cat food in a flavor that the cat refuses to eat will waste money if the cat food goes to waste.

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