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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why Being a Cat Owner is Great

By Rebetta Tyrkera

Are you living alone in a single apartment unit in the middle of a crowded city? Do you want some company that is not demanding of your time? Or maybe you just prefer indulging in your maternal instinct and want someone to cuddle when you get home minus the complications of a personal relationship. If you replied yes to the three aforementioned queries, then maybe it's about time you get a pet.

Since time immemorial, pets have been considered as great friends of people. They can provide a listening ear without spewing off harsh judgments and cynical comments. They have great virtues, such as being trustworthy, smart, affable and even responsible to a certain degree. And, unlike humans who can be so possessive, they do not require attention. They can survive even without bothering you at your place of work. Don't you find it a great relief that they don't bombard you with negative emotions?

Pet stores and veterinarians offer a great selection when it comes to potential pet choices. You can see cute dogs, furry kittens, regal-looking birds, small rabbits and even rare animals like albino pythons and deadly tarantulas. Surely, no matter what your inherent personality is, you will find a perfect match that fits your discriminating needs.

A lot of people opt to buy tame animals like cats and dogs because they are relatively easy to care for. For those who pick a cat over a dog, here are certain advantages that a cat can give its owner. Read this article why being a cat owner is satisfying.

One, being a cat owner trains you to become more aware of other's needs. Not only will you worry about your basic necessities for the week, you will also learn what food, grooming stuff, exercise routine and medication your cat will require. You will also deal with the fact that you have to visit the vet in case your pet doesn't feel well. All these may sound like additional chores in your lifestyle but the virtues you will develop are simply priceless. Other people will definitely notice that you have changed for the better.

Second, if you possess a cat, you will be motivated to face each day with passion. This results from having found a purpose in life. Basically, you are now aware that you are being relied on; hence, you have something to look forward. You don't feel as if you are alone in this whole, wide world. Coming home after office hours is also a pleasurable experience now with your cat's presence. If you had a bad day at the office due to a fight with a co-worker or a crazy meeting with clients, you can de-stress with your beloved kitty.

Third, you can have more acquaintances and friends. You may join a cat owners' association or cat lovers' organization to learn about ways to make your cat become a better pet. Having fun with these like-minded people will be a blast and you might even meet a special someone there. If not, be content that you can have someone to talk to. There are a lot of things that can be discussed regarding the care of a cat so don't worry about possible awkward moments.

So after reading this interesting and information-filled write up, you are now ready to own a cat. Head to the nearest animal clinic and pick the feline of your choice. Enjoy!

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