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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Teaching Your Cat To Use Its Litter Box

By Barbara Marr

A lot of individuals discover that teaching a cat to make use of its litter box isn't the complicated process that they imagined it might be. Many of them will swiftly realize where their box is. And frequently the full process of cat toilet training has previously started before you even carry your new kitten home. The mother cat starts the education phase before her offspring is even weaned.

A further situation that simplifies the process of litter training your cat is that they are finicky animals and favor spotlessness in both their bodies and their surroundings. It's natural for a cat to hide its own waste. So providing them a handy location to do it in the form of a clean litter box is ordinarily all that's considered necessary.

If your cat isn't trained, however, the total task of teaching your kitten to utilize its litter box can be completed in a number of simple steps. Litter box training is in fact all about creating a new habit for your feline friend.

Each time you feed your cat, get into the habit of taking it to the litter box immediately after it has finished its meal. It's usual for cats to eliminate right after they've been fed, and you'll encourage that natural tendency if you place them in the box on a frequent basis. As soon as this has developed into an established routine, your kitten will start to head off to its facilities after every meal.

If your efforts concerning litter training your cat don't go as speedily or productively as anticipated, it's crucial that you stay tolerant. There could be all kinds of explanations for why your kitten does not prefer to employ the box that is available. It might be in an area that's too open. Cats don't like to eliminate when they are exposed and can be watched by everyone who saunters through.

In addition, there could be a problem with the kind of litter you're using. Cats are exceedingly fastidious and a specific consistency or smell might be adequate to put them off using the box. If that's the situation, try out several brand names and formulations till you discover one your kitty finds acceptable.

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