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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Choosing Between A Cat And A Kitten

By Peter Henderson

You will understand that there are many different benefits to learning how to choose the right cat, but there may the case that you could find it to be a difficult task. Yet, many people want to own a cat so they can experience the pleasure of growth and many families will choose to adopt a kitten because it will be good to grow up with the kids, yet others will want to choose an adult cat because they do not have the tolerance, patience or energy to deal with a lively kitten that wants to play all of the time. You will need to understand that owning a kitten you will be a trainer for them in litter training, furniture climbing and a curious nature. Also, due to the fact that adult cats are less likely to be adopted from their counter-parts, some people choose to have a cat instead. Yet, there are a number of different pros and cons for owning each.

You will find that there are a significant number of advantages when choosing a kitten, and the most prominent one will be that you'll have the chance to watch them grow up and mature. Also, you will be able to play with them too, as kittens have an amusing curiosity. Kittens also form a unique bond with their owners which will mean that at a young age they will know you as family. You will be knowledgeable about the kitten's medical history too, because they will have been in your care from a young age. You will also know how old they are and they will have a better temperament around you.

There are huge advantages to buying and owning a cat: they are already litter trained which is considered by many as a huge plus. Adult cats are also calmer and less likely to destroy furniture and fittings in your home. Also, cats will probably be already spayed or neutered. You will be able to go to work and leave them without too much stress and since they probably already know what they can get up to outside, they will be less likely to get in a pickle. The biggest advantage to adopting a cat is that you will most likely saving its life.

If you are confused about whether you want a long- or short-haired cat, you should keep in mind that grooming that a long-haired cat will take considerably longer. Even thought they maybe beautiful, you will need to keep up with the costs as the grooming is quite expensive. If you are looking at a semi-longhaired cat, then they will also need grooming around a few times a week. So, if you are looking for low costs and hassle free, then you should choose a short-haired cat.

After you have decide on the type of cat you will need to choose the sex. If you already have a cat then choosing a cat of the opposite sex will limit any amount of competition between the cats. You will also need to remember that should you choose to have cats of the opposite sex then they will need to be spayed or neutered. And, this will depend on whether you want a cat to a kitten and whether you want more than one, as there are advantages and disadvantages to all scenarios.

Advantages consist of the kittens having each other for company; so of course, they may not require as much attention from you. The interaction between kittens can be quite amusing. If you decide to get another cat down the road, introducing them to the other cats will be less complicated.

There are though many disadvantages to having numerous cats or kittens - you will find they will get upon top a lot of trouble and the cost of owning multiple cats is considered to be considerably high. If the unfortunate thing happens and one of the cats dies, then you will need to understand the others will be affected. Also, you will need to think about which age of cat will be right for you. Then, after you get your cat, you will see many years of enjoyment.

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