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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Animal Hospitals Jump on High Tech Cat Care

By Dr. Omaboe

Human beings are privy to the most scientifically sophisticated processes of treatment that the world has ever known. Diseases that were at one time believed fatal are now combatable, and even curable, thanks to the inquiry and evolution of innovators in the health field.

Just as impressive is the high tech equipment hidden within the walls of animal hospitals around the world. That equipment is identical to the devices used to contend with human illnesses. Thanks to this equipment, and to the veterinarians that use it, the diagnosis and treatment of cat illnesses has proven to be astonishingly successful.

Whether your cat is miserable from irregularity, tumors, heartworm, cancer, or any number of additional illnesses, his or her veterinarian can provide the most effective attention, providing that high tech equipment like the following is applied:

Echography, or ultrasound, equipment for diagnosis of heart and abdominal issues.

Electrocardiogram for detection of issues with heart function.

Radiography, or X ray, for capturing still images of a cat's internal body structure.

Fluoroscopy Radiography, or X ray, for viewing immediate, accurate images of a cat's internal body structure.

CAT scan, for viewing 3D and cross sectioned images of a cat's organs and bones, and for determining tumors and diseases.

MRI, for applications similar to that of a CAT scan, but with better tissue viewing contrast. It's especially helpful for observing the brain, heart, muscles, and any tumors that may be present.

Photodynamic Therapy, for the pointed removal of tumors.

BICOM machine, for the fortifying of a cat's immune system, in the fight against toxins, cancer, and parasites.

BFS machine, for restoring your cat's body's natural rhythms, and to boost blood counts, circulation, and immunoresponse.

Endoscopic surgical equipment, for biopsies and surgeries with minimal invasion and scarring.

Surgical microscope, for a superior grade of meticulousness during veterinary surgery.

Anesthetic apparatus, for the best administration and observance supervising of your cat's state of consciousness and vital signs for the duration of veterinary surgery.

Your cat's most beneficial chances for a long and fit life can be accomplished while his or her veterinarian makes a montage of care. That conception ought to include the most advanced sophisticated diagnostic and treatment equipment; cat medicine as necessary; extra care to cat sicknesses, pregnancy, and kitten care; and a plan of attack that realizes that your cat's symptoms are indicators of larger troubles.

Veterinary medicine oftentimes sets the groundwork for traditional medicine's progressions, so it's only fair that your cat should profit from those advancements.

Your part in your cat's care includes making sure that he or she is examined annually by a veterinarian, gets appropriate and timely pet vaccinations, and that his or her teeth are kept clean with regular brushing.

To give your feline still more ask a vet in your region if their animal clinic utilizes the most recent medical equipment for the aid of your cat. Doing so will guarantee that your cat gets the most beneficial care, and then that he or she can join the animal doctor in pouncing on, and capturing, healthiness.

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