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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Holistic Veternary Medicine for Cats

By Dr. N.J. Omaboe

When we discuss a veterinarian approaching a cat's maladies holistically, we don't automatically suppose that the vet is capable of handling any part of that cat. Almost any veterinarian can lay claim to that. Alternatively, we remember that the veterinarian resolves to aid the entire cat at once, as opposed to attending to merely the area of the body that's manifesting the cat's symptoms.

Any living thing is a sum of its parts. Your cat's body would not operate efficiently, or operate at all, without even one of those parts. Therefore, an understanding that all mental and physical functions are interconnected is essential in holistic veterinary care.

Addressing cat wellness problems and maladies with cat medication that stimulates difficult side effects isn't in the healthiest interest of your cat. Utilizing pet medicine to address cat symptoms, like irregularity or skin and coat troubles, simply takes on the symptoms, and leaves the body out of harmoniousness.

Ask a holistically trained veterinarian how to treat any number of cat health problems, while tiptoeing lightly around conditions such as a cat's pregnancy or the care of a young puppy, and you'll likely hear about any of the following procedures:

Acupuncture for the care of your cat's health issues, including urological, digestive, and nervous system upsets. Acupuncture has also been established as helpful in the management of painful sensations.

Chinese Herbal Medicine for the reconciling of your cat's system, and to subdue or get rid of cat maladies and the symptoms of those illnesses. More than 3,000 drug free Chinese herbal cures are readily available from your integrative veterinarian.

Biospectrum Frequency Treatment for the replicating of frequencies created within a healthy cat's body, to increase blood counts and circulation, and bolster the immune system.

Bioresonance Treatment for the restoration of healthy energy flows to a cat's sick body. Cancer, pollutants, and parasites are fought with these treatments.

Pet medication is sometimes necessary for the treatment of cat illnesses and health problems. But often, those cat medicines can cause bothersome side effects and long term health detriment.

When animal hospitals treat cats holistically, the need for pet medication is often eliminated. Ask a veterinarian if he or she is trained in holistic veterinary medicine. Know that if they are, they have the best interest of your cat in mind.

Holistic veterinary medicine is not simply a collection of procedures. It's also a state of mind. It searches for solutions that are drug free, natural, without side effects, and that are largely successful in the battle against threats to your cat's longevity.

Therefore, I ask, why just treat your cat's symptoms? Why subject your most dependable friend to treatments that may just heighten his or her problems? Alternatively, see your cat as a wholly, complex, intricate being that functions with synergy and harmony. Realize that when even one part of his or her system is malfunctioning, the whole mind and body suffer.

Know that holistic care offers the best, and lowest risk, treatment for cat illnesses and health problems. Your local holistic veterinarian understands this, and treats whiskers to tails, claws to ears, everyday.

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