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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Golden Retriever's Adopted Three Bengal Tigers Grow Up

Meet Isabella, a modern-day Lassie. This golden retriever adopted three Bengal tiger cubs after their mother abandoned them. That’s right, tiger cubs. While raising her own litter last year, Isabella also weaned cubs Nasira, Anjika, and Sidani and became their surrogate mother. The alternative animal family was so unbelievably adorable that enough people flocked to the Safari Zoological Park in Kansas and the zoo was saved from shutting down. But all good things must come to end. Now that the tigers have grown up a bit, they must say goodbye to their “mother.” It’s true, tigers are instinctively predatory and dangerous so it is safer for Isabella to be separated as the cubs grow, but I wish it wasn’t so. Even the zoo’s owners Tom and Allie Harvey have chronicled the animal family in a book called Tiger Pups and are gearing up for the tigers’ first birthday celebration. Should be a purrrrrfect party.

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