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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Why You Should Have Your Pet Spayed Or Neutered

By James Conley

Every year, after the cold winter months have past, pet owner begins considering spaying or neutering their pet. To spite what you may have heard, this practice isn't cruel or inhumane.

As a matter of fact, many pro-animal organizations promote spaying and neutering as a great way to keep the overpopulation of unwanted animals in check. If you have previously looked into getting your cat or dog fixed, you may have been shocked at the outrageous prices. This high prices of this procedure can be avoided by bring you pet to a clinic. Clinics' prices are always much cheaper than that of your local veterinarian. Don't feel bad about bring your beloved pet to a clinic. This may seem like a harsh and complicated surgery to you but is actually a very common and simple procedure.

Spaying your pet cat or dog will greatly lower her chance of developing uterine or mammary cancer. Neutering your pet will help prevent prostate cancer and completely eliminate testicular cancer. You will find that after the procedure your pet is much more friendly and docile. All the aggression and primal urges to leave home and mate will be gone and your pet will lead a more relaxed and happy life.

You might find that many pet experts agree that have the procedure done at an earlier age is better for your pet (before six months). Younger animals tend to bleed much less during the surgery and will recover much faster.

That's it, simple as that. You pet will be much better off having this procedure done. The procedure is safe and very common. This is the best way to control accidental pregnancy and the overpopulation of the animal community. Do the right thing for your pet and have the spayed or neutered. For more information you can visit the

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