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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Top Tips for Owning a Cat: Things You Should Consider When Buying a Cat

By Sean Delgado

Cats are well known for their independence and gentle demeanor. That is why they are also perfect house pets for your children. However, there are certain things you need to consider before you decide to buy a cat. So, here are the top tips for owning a cat, which could help in your decision making.

Health of the family comes first. You need to make sure that no one in your house is allergic to pet dander or hair. Also, if your child or mate has asthma, owning a cat might not be the best thing for your family. This is because cat hair and dander can trigger an asthma attack.

There are some breeds that are non-shedding and hypoallergenic, such as the colorpoint shorthair breed. This is the breed you should choose if you have someone in your family that has allergies or asthma.

Lifestyle fit is another consideration. A lot of cats want to be cuddled frequently. Some others are independent and want to be left that way. You need to make these considerations before you add a cat to your family.

If you are too busy and do not have enough time to play and cuddle with your cat, the less sociable American Shorthair or Norwegian Forest cat would be best for you. On the other hand, if you can spare a lot of time playing and fooling around with your cat, the Siamese, Maine, Sphynx, and Tonkinese breeds are just some of the friendliest and bubbliest cats that you can have.

Cats also need regular checkups by a veterinarian. At the beginning, cats need to be taken to the Vet more frequently, about once a month for shots. Then annual exams will suffice. Some Vet's have grooming services that you might want to take advantage of.

Regular Vet check up includes de-worming, vaccination and spaying/neutering. All these health maintenance will be expensive, so you better add this to your family budget in order to ensure that your cat will stay healthy.

These tips for owning a cat can help those who will buy their very first cat. However, there are other tips for owning a cat that will deal specifically with other issues such as cat training or breeding. It is very important therefore to broaden your knowledge about cat ownership so you can fully enjoy these lovable creatures.

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