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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cat Toilet Training Can be Done

By Justin Mann

Toilet training your cat isn't that hard, as long as you're patient and diligent in following all the instructions. Really, it's quite easy. It may take only a couple of weeks or at most a few months. Going through each of the phases slowly is important if you want to make sure your cat will take to the new arrangements.

Cat toilet training is certainly something you ought to at least attempt. Teaching your cat to use the toilet will not only save money on cat litter, your house will smell better without a litter box, and you'll be helping the environment. If you're interested in giving it a try, here are some guidelines to help you.

To start with, you need to begin slowly moving the litter box towards its new location so your cat doesn't find it too much of a change. Thus, you want to shift the litter box in increments. It might take a while, but it's the best way to teach your cat that there's a new place where it will do its business. Try moving the box an inch or so at a time to start. You can increase or reduce the rate of movement depending on your cat's reaction.

Now that the box is positioned alongside the toilet, the next move is to increase the height. Increase the height of the base over time until the litter box is at the same level as the toilet. Before you do so, make sure that the box is tightly attached to the base. You cat will have to leap up to use it, and you don't want it to tip over. Heavy blocks or phonebooks work well for this purpose. Once the base is level with the toilet and your kitty is used to the new arrangement, it's time to start sliding it over nearer to the toilet, and eventually resting right on it. The entire time, you should be reducing the quantity of litter progressively so that there's only about an inch of it remaining.

Now it's time to start the final phase of the process. Remove the litter box and replace it with an aluminum tray that is securely attached to the toilet. Next you'll want to remove the litter from the tray and cut a hole in it. Slowly start to enlarge the hole, until eventually your cat is only using the toilet!

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