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Saturday, June 6, 2009

June is American Humane's Adopt-A-Cat-Month

Adopt-A-Cat Month®

Approximately 4 million cats end up in shelters every year.
One of them is sure to be a perfect match for you!

Each year, thousands of kittens are born during spring and summer -- and many end up in animal shelters, waiting for loving homes. To promote adoptions of these playful, affectionate animals, American Humane celebrates Adopt-A-Cat Month® in June. Come visit the fabulous felines at your local animal shelter, and take home your new best friend! Make one cat a happy cat.


Download the poster, cat care tips, sample press release and sample public service announcements to the right to help spread the word about Adopt-A-Cat Month. Encourage people to make their lives -- and the lives of so many cats -- the very best they can be.

People Seeking a Loving Cat Companion

Adopt a cat from your local shelter today. Adopting a cat will enrich your world in so many different ways. Here’s how:

  • Cats will keep you entertained with their playful antics.
  • Cats are very affectionate and love to cuddle with you.
  • Having a cat can reduce your blood pressure and prevent heart disease.
  • Cats are very clean -- they bathe themselves!
  • Cats are independent and can be left alone while you are at work.
  • Cats do not need to be housebroken -- using the litter box comes naturally to them.
  • Cats do not need a lot of space. They are perfect pets for apartments and smaller homes.
  • Taking care of a cat can help teach a child responsibility and humane values.
  • Cats get plenty of exercise living indoors. Just 15 minutes of playtime each day will satisfy a cat.
  • Approximately 4 million homeless cats end up in animal shelters every year in the United States. By adopting, you’ll be saving a life.

And don’t forget these important cat care steps once you’ve adopted your new feline friend:

  • Spay/Neuter: If the animal shelter you adopt from does not spay or neuter their adopted animals, take your cat to a veterinarian for this simple procedure. Your cat will actually be happier and healthier for it, and you won’t have to worry later about finding homes for a litter of kittens.
  • ID Tags and Microchips: Your cat can’t carry a wallet, so he needs a collar with an ID tag. Be sure to include your cat’s name and your name, address and phone number on the tag. Even indoor cats can slip outside, so make sure he’s wearing the tag at all times. Microchips are another excellent way of identifying your pet. These tiny chips are permanently implanted under your cat’s skin and therefore can never come off or get lost.

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