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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Now You Can Flush with Flushable Cat Litter

By Ned Dagostino

Marketers are addressing the problem that you face as a cat lover. The odor that emanates from your cat's litter just lingers and lingers, and then you are left with the job of having to pick up the litter from the box and dispose of it. However a newer product on the market, flushable cat litter, helps to rid you of both these issues.

Flushable litter is easy to use because all you do is gather it up from the cat box and flush it straight away. No more carrying it down to waste receptacles.

This kind of litter is finer than clumping clay. It is also about 3 times costlier than the ordinary clumping clay. On the positive side, you don't have to use as much flushing litter as the ordinary variety. If it is not available in the local area, there are plenty of suppliers on the Internet who will take your order and deliver it to your very own doorstep,

Both types of litter have more or less the same environmental impact. One goes to a landfill; the other goes to make sewage and wastes water. The best choice is to get a litter that can be composted after having the dried stool removed.

Just be sure you observe your cat's behavior towards the flushable cat litter. Cats are creatures of habit and most don't accept the flushable litter. This acceptance is the key to the whole question of using flushable litter.

If your cat doesn't accept the flushable litter, it is worth a try to get your cat used to the new variety in a gradual way. Mix a fistful of flushable litter with the clumping clay. See whether Tabby accepts it. If so, go on increasing the quantity day by day, till one day it is 100% of the flushable variety. Don't flush the mixture down the toilet! When it is 100% of the flushable kind, then and only then can you flush it.

If your cat does not like using the flushable litter, you will have to go on as usual. If Tabby accepts it, then you can say goodbye to that horrible stench, and the walks to the waste receptacle.

Whichever way, the environment is going to get impacted by the cat's litter. The convenience of the flushable litter makes it very attractive to the keeper. All said and done, your cat's preference will decide the question: "To Flush Or Not To Flush!

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