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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Traveling With Your Cat - Finding a Cat Friendly Hotel

By Nik Levesque

If you have a cat there could come a time when you need to go somewhere for awhile and may need to take your cat with you as well. Hey, why not take your cat on all your trips too. You can if you just follow a few simple tips.

Before you embark on traveling with your beloved cat, you will want to make sure you plan a bit ahead. Check with the hotels that you are going to be staying at to make sure that they are pet friendly. It would be a shame to go all the way to your destination only to find out that Fluffy is not allowed in the door!

Before leave, give your vet a call to get an idea on whether or not it would be wise to give the cat something medically to help it travel. Or sleep during the travelling.

Cats get very nervous when you or transporting them so you will need to make sure that you have a good travel crate or kennel to put them in. Make it as comfortable as possible with blankets, toys and other of your cat's favorite things. It is also a good idea to keep it close to you at all times so that your cat knows that you are always there.

While your cat is in the kennel, try assuring them from time to time and avoid making any sudden noises to make them even more nervous than they already are.

These are just a couple things to be aware of when traveling or moving your cat. Just make sure to keep things as comfortable and stress free as possible and you and your cat will definitely arrive to your destination on one piece.

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