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Friday, June 5, 2009

Your Cat May Think Outside of the Litter Box

By Kara Mishiro

Cats are wonderful pets. They are independent, self cleaning (most of the time), and don't require a lot of the maintenance that dogs do. Though cats are relatively easy to care for, there is one thing that MUST be done on a regular basis if your cat is to remain healthy and happy. Any guesses? If you said, clean the litter box, then you are right on target!

While your cat's litter box may be a stinky part of your life, it's a very important part of his! You should realize that a litter box can serve as a window into your cat's health and happiness. A perfect example is the habit of inappropriate urination or inappropriate elimination (poo vs. pee), the most common cat-owner complaint. This one habit may be able to tell you a lot about how kitty is feeling physically or emotionally.

If your cat suddenly starts urinating in your favorite pair of shoes, you know you have a problem on your paws. Cats avoid their litter boxes for any number of reasons. Lets start with the obvious possibilities and go from there. First of all, cats do not like messy litter boxes! Yes, it is true, they have their standards when it comes to cleanliness! If you do not clean your felines box enough he may start eliminating elsewhere. It is very important that you scoop the poop (and yes, the pee too) at least once per day.

You've heard the old saying, location is everything. Your cat feels the same way about the placement of its litter box. If your cat avoids the litter box to begin with, consider a new location. Make privacy the driving factor in your placement decision. Your cat doesn't want an audience any more than you would. Avoid loud areas such as near appliances and definitely stay away from high-traffic locations.

Owning a cat, you probably already know how picky they can be. They're not less finicky when it comes to their litter. If you find poo in your shoe and you've recently changed your cat's litter, you might be to blame. Cat's get accustomed to a type of litter and expect it to be their when nature calls. Should you wish to change litters, do so slowly by mixing the new in with the old in small, but increasing amounts until you've managed to pull the old switcheroo. Your cat will be none the wiser and your shoes will be spared.

Cats can be very picky when it comes to their litter. They may reject their litter box if they don't like the scent or texture of the litter you have chosen. You may have to try several different types of litter before you find one that your kitty loves to poop in.

If you have more than one cat you should also have more than one litter box. What works for one cat may not work for another. Also, several cats using a single litter box can add up to a heck of a mess in a very short time. If you've ever found yourself disgusted at the condition of a gas station restroom, that's what's going through your cat's mind if he's the last visitor in the box. Several boxes can help with this with the downside of giving you more work to do, of course.

More serious than preference issues are medical concerns. If your cat suffers from any number of urinary or intestinal issues, it may experience pain during elimination. While not the greatest endorsement of kitty intellect, your cat may associate the pain with its litter box and, in an effort to get away from the pain, may choose to do its business in a different location. Take kitty to the vet if it suddenly begins to avoid its litter box. It may be suffering from bladder stones, urinary tract infections or constipation.

As important as it is to your cat, that litter box should also mean a lot to you. It affords you insight into your cat's world and can tell you a lot about how happy and healthy kitty may be. Just be sure to keep it clean. To put it into human context, you prefer to do your business on a flushed toilet, right? If not, I need to write another article.

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