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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Training Kittens The Correct Way

By Greg E. Johnson

Congratulations on your new found friend you got there as that little kitten truly is a beauty. You should hold that kitten close to you and never let go. You should also not forget that your kitten must be trained. Training a kitten can be difficult but it is not impossible. Training your kitten should include teaching him or her everything from using the litter box to not scratching the couch. Within this article, we are going to tell you a bit of information about training kittens.

While you are instilling discipline to your cat, you must avoid using tough punishments. No matter what you do, you should not 'spank' the cat simply because he or she did not do something that you ordered. You should utilize positive actions and avoid negative ones as you are training your kitten.

When you punish your cat, you should avoid yelling at them or spanking them. Why? Simply because this is not the way to get things across to your cat. Besides, you do not want your pet to associate you with negativity. You need him or her to associate you with positive actions and nothing less.

When you first get your kitten, you should not put training off until they are older. While you may not think your small critter will learn very much right now, they will. In fact, that small bundle of fur is very well capable of learning everything you have to teach. Now is the perfect time to start litter training. Also, if you do not want the critter on your couch, then you should designate an area for him or her to sleep.

After you bring your kitten home, you should show him or her where to do their business. The best place for your kitten to potty is a place that she can remember and get to easily. Also use a great litter box and good litter. Kittens automatically know how to use a litter box. That's a natural instinct that they learn when they are young. As your kitten gets older, using the right type of litter can be important for his or her health.

If your cat is bored, he or she might become destructive and overly active. Playing with your kitten everyday is vital. When you neglect your cat she might stop using the litter box. Regular sessions of playtime and constant attention can prevent this from happening. Occassionaly, litter box problems can go away overnight.

You should give your kitten a reward whenever he or she exhibits the proper behavior just as you would a dog. The reward can include gently stroking them, whispering to them, or even treats. You can go to your local pet store and find many cat treats available for sale. But you should not overdo these treats and always try to buy ones that are healthy.

In order to make that cat learn everything the right way, you will need to catch your cat when they are in the act. Cats do not like water. So one way to make cats see that something is bad behavior would be to use a spray bottle and squirt just a tiny amount of water at them. Another method you could use is a whistle or something that makes a loud noise because cats do not like noises that are loud.

When you have a kitten, apart from training, you should make sure you spend time with him or her each day. As you are spending time together, your little one is going to get fond of you and will learn that you are their friend. When your cat is doing something that is not acceptable in your case, then you should let them know this. You should do this by correcting that behavior and showing them what is the right way. Keep in mind that cats are known for having attention spans that are short.

In the end, as long as you enjoy your kitten, kitten training will be very fun. On an ending note, before you get a kitten, make sure you are fully ready, because so many of them end up in shelters all because people thought their cats were a nuisance.

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