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Monday, June 22, 2009

Cat Health: Why You Should Have You Pet Spayed Or Neutered

By James Conley

Spring is finally here. The snow has all melted away and the weather is warming up. Your pet kitten is growing up into a cat and you are considering get your pet spayed or neutered.

This procedure is a must for families with children as pets that haven't been fixed may act more aggressively when in heat. If you are having any doubts about going through with this important procedure keep in mind that not only does the surgery keep the animal population in check bu there are a slew of health benefits associated with it. Getting your pet spayed or neutered is as simple as picking up the phone and calling your local vet and making an appointment.

Still unsure about having your pet fixed? Before making a final choice consider all of the benefits of spaying or neutering. After the procedure your pet will be much more calm and stress free. The stress your pet feels comes from the natural urge to go out and mate. You pet will be much less aggressive and territorial.

What needs to be done? 1. Make an appointment with your local vet or clinic. 2. Routine blood work will need to be done (to check for certain diseases). 3. Bring your pet in and either pick them up that day or the next.

That's it, simple as that. You pet will be much better off having this procedure done. The procedure is safe and very common. This is the best way to control accidental pregnancy and the overpopulation of the animal community. Do the right thing for your pet and have the spayed or neutered. For more information you can visit the

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