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Sunday, June 21, 2009

How Cat Training Can Fix Your Cat's Behavior Problems

By Kathrynn Kelley

No matter what type of pet you have, you will eventually have to deal with behavior and training. Many people believe that only dogs need training, but that is not true. Cats can benefit from some training, as well. In fact, understanding cat behavior and training methods can help you and your cat to get along much better and live harmoniously.

Don't be alarmed. Many people have heard that training a cat is difficult because cats are stubborn and independent. It certainly can be if you use the wrong methods. However training a cat using the right methods is simple especially once you have a general understanding of how a cat learns. You need to keep in mind that a cat learns through experiences sort of like a small child. Your cat learns to avoid they will avoid doing things that are unpleasant. They will spend more time doing things that bring them attention, praise, pleasure and of course treats!

The question people still have is if cats are so easily trained then why are so many cats still untrained? The simple answer is: People are simply making giant mistakes when training their cats. They are going against a cats' natural learning process. They are rewarding a cat for bad behavior and doing nothing for good behavior. For example: If your cat is meowing and you end up stopping the meowing with a tasty treat or some attention. This has just taught your cat the excessive meowing gets them loves and treats so they end up meowing more often.

Cat owners are frustrated and confused when their cat training practices are not successful. Well, if you are trying to train them like a dog it won't work. Using punishment to train your cat like using a spray bottle to spray your cat when they are doing something wrong doesn't make them afraid of behaving badly it just makes them avoid you since you are the one spraying them. If you're are the one making the environment unpleasant they associate the punishment with you.

One of the things you must do is provide your cat with an environment that encourages good behavior and discourages bad behavior. The litter box can often be an area where problems occur. If your cat does not seem to want to use the litter box then the problem could be with the litter box and not the cat. A litter box should be in a private place, away from noise and kept clean. Additionally, other cats or animals should not be using the same little box as your cat. Providing a litter box that gives your cat privacy and that is clean will provide an encouraging place for him and should help stop accidents.

Another common issue is scratching. In order to feed your cats natural need to scratch you need to provide him with a scratching post and encourage him to use it. In the meantime, cover the areas that the cat seems to prefer to scratch on. Eventually the cat should take to the scratching post and ignore his old scratching spot.

To have a healthy relationship with your cat avoid punishment at all costs, and remember they love attention. Popular belief is that cat are anti-social nothing cat be further from the truth. They are just independent. Cat's will do anything for a little attention just make sure to give to them when they are not misbehaving or you will reinforce that bad behavior with a pleasant association. An important note to remember is to take your cat to the vet before you decide their bad habit is a behavioral problem. They may be ill and need medical attention and that's why they are acting out.

Take a little time to understand your cat. It will strengthen your relationship with them and keep their behavior under control.

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